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“La Vall de Camprodon” is a valley situated in the eastern Pyrenees, at the North-West of the Girona’s province.
The valley is formed by 2 rivers the Ter and Ritort, this flow together in the centre of the valley where there is the village of Camprodon, if We continue following the river Ter we find the villages of Llanars, Vilallonga de Ter, Setcases… until we come to the ski resort of Vallter 2000. If we following the Ritort we find Molló, Beget… until the French border.
This Valley is in the middle of the Pyrenees but doesn’t have a very cold climate, in winter the majority of the days are cloudless. In summer the days are cloudless with an agreeable temperature but at night the temperature goes down, this contrast gives a good sensation of well-being.
The normal temperatures in the village of Camprodon would be the following:

Max…..(25º C – 26º C)
Min…..(8º C – 9º C)

Max…..(8º C – 12º C)
Min…..(- 8º C – – 10º C)

The annual avarage rain in Camprodon is 1.200 mm but we don’t have fog.


The vegetation and the fauna are typical of the Atlantic’s climates except in the high mountains where it is alpin.The oaks, the beeches, the mountain pines, the scotsh pines, the silver birch… grow in its forests from 900 m until 2.900 m high

The wild boar, the fox, the golden eagle, the eagle owl, the izard (Rupicapra rupicapra), the vulture, the trout… are a small example of the animals that you can find.



CAMPRODON:The town is the centre of a natural region bearing the some name. The township, situated a t the confluence of the river Ter and its tributary the Ritort , is arranged in a modern devolopment. It has a variety of shops, clean streets, wide squares, tree-lined avenues, particulary in a residencial districts. Picturesque bridge the “Pont Nou” (New Bridge) with a single arch, dating from the XII century. It has a nice Parish church dedicated to St. Mary. The monastery of St Peter should be mentioned. It has been restored and declared a national monument. The village of Camprodon well know long-standing traditional summer resort. Arround Camprodon there are many springs of delightful water in the beatiful spots.

BEGET I ROCABRUNA: 2 villages inside the tonwship of Camprodon. They are a country villages inside the “Alta Garrotxa” With a very good romanesque architecture and a nice environemet.

ST. PAU DE SEGURIES: Typical summer resort. The landscape is pleasant. There is extensive pine and beech groves. It has many springs, is of which La Puda, with sulforus water the most famous. It has the Parish church dedicated to St. Paul, the Hermitage of St. Madeleine situated on a hill, The Perella, an old country estate, the Neighbourhood of la ral. The farm house ” El Mariner” supposed setting for the beatiful story told by Mr. Jacint Verdaguer.
Local festival: First Sunday in September and last Saturday in January.
LLANARS: Country village situated on the road from Camprodon to Setcases, on the left bank of the Ter. The scenary round about is delightful and attractive for making numerous excursions in the surrounding area Riberas de Feitus and stream of Espinalba, tributaries of the above-mentioned river. Church dating from the XII cantury , dedicated to St. Stephen. It is a beatiful example of Romanesque achitecture most notably the church front door, the ironwork on the door an the wooded façade on wich scenes of the stoning of the fanous martyr are depiced.
Local Festival: The fourth Sunday in September.


VILALLONGA DE TER: Small village situated in the upper valley of the river Ter. In its municipal district are situated the ancient castle and the sanctuary of Catllar. Upriver on the opposite side of the river, is the hamlet of Cros. Woods of pine trees, beech trees and oak trees as well as large stretches of meadow cover the hilly terrain in its district. The church of St. Martí is a fine example of Romanesque architecture. The mountains of Cerveris and Balandraur are situated to the west of the town.
Local Festival: 11th November. A note of colour is offered by the pilgrimage that takes place on Easter Monday in the sanctuary of Catllar.


LA ROCA, ABELLA I TREGURÀ: They are a small villages inside Vilallonga’s district. where the mountains and the views are a most espectacular.

SETCASES: In a corner of the valley of Camprodon is Setcases. It is a Picturesque small village, situated at the foot of the “Pic de l’Infern” and the “Puig de Bastiments or Puig del Gegant”. At the border of the town are some of the Pyrenean peaks which are visited on important excursions: these are Costabona, Roca Colom, Gra de Fajol,… mountain huts. The church of St. Michael, already mentioned in the XII century, wich has twice been rebuilt. Inside it a notable baroque altar is preserved. Summer resort, winter sports, ideal spot for the tourist who loves the countryside and is looking for the pleasures of good regional cookery.


VALLTER 2000: Near Setcases It is a tourist center for skiing and mountain climbing.

MOLLÓ: The country village of Molló at an altitude of 1.182 m is sorrounded by a large area at cultivated land. Situated on the right hand of the river Ritort, the town is reached by means of the interstate road going from Camprodon to Prats de Molló, and passing through the border pass of Ares. Its status as a summer resort is beginning to take on importance . The town has a magnificent romanesque Parish church, dedicated to St. Celily, with a slender bell-tower and superb portal with four graded arches.

ESPINAVELL: Small Village in the municipal district of Molló, situated on the side of a hill to the left of the Ritort. The church of “Ntra. Sra de les Neus” belongs to the Parish of Molló. The farmer forge of Espinavellcan still be seen on the bank of the river. On 13th October the faire of the mules takes place.


The most important is a road C-38 direction Barcelona at a distance of 120 Km, after the road C-26 direction Girona at 77 Km, the road c38 direction Perpignan in France at 92 Km.


Ripoll 24 km
Olot 26 km
Besalú 30 km
Figueres 73 km
Girona 77 km
Puigcerdà 90 km
Costa Brava 100 km
Barcelona 120 km
Perpinyà 92 km

Coach: In Camprodon TEISA timetanbles in :
Train: in Ripoll RENFE timetables in :
International Airports: Barcelona (el Prat), Girona i Perpinyà.


This Valley is ideal to live, to stay for a holliday, to play golf, to climb mountains, to look for tranquility, to run to the hills, to practice adventure sports and winter sports, to horse ride, to ride mountain bike, to eat in a mountain restaurants, to visit the museums Isac Albeniz, “automates”, To visit the romanesque art, to take walk trips, to fish, to hunt, to enjoy nature, to drink in a terraces with a spectacular views, …